Alumni Sandstorm ~ 11/19/99 ******************************************** >>From: Dick Harris (49) RE: Richland Timelines TO Dave Hanthorn (63) Dave: I think you need to look a little closer at the timelines. I came to Richland in August of 1944 and attended Sacajawea and Marcus Whitman Grade Schools. Then, I was a freshman at Columbia High School in September of 1945. In that year, I was one of the Managers of the Basketball Team in which Bud Row (47) and so many great stars of the Bomber Basketball Team performed so magnificently! I was never a Manager of the Richland Beavers, but I do know that they were the Beavers, prior to being the Bombers. We learned immediately following the dropping of the plutonium bomb on Nagasaki that our parents had been involved in producing plutonium at the Hanford Project and that was in Aug, 1945. We were the Richland Bombers, prior to the dropping of the bomb. I agree with you about the concern of rewriting of history, with regard to out family's contribution to the war effort and we should not apologize, but be proud of the history of our contribution to the shortening of the War! Our family was most sensitive to this as I had three brothers in the service in Europe and we didn't want them to have to be sacrificed in an invasion of Japan! There is no way that anyone can convince our family that our country didn't do the right thing in dropping the bombs and shortening the War! At least, that is the way I remember and see it! -Dick Harris '49 ********************************************