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KAREN S. WEBSTER ~ Class of 1964
August 22, 1946 - October 13, 2004

Karen was united with her Lord on October 13, 2004.
She was born August 22, 1946 in Richland, WA to Jack and Nellie Webster, where she spent her
first 18 years. Karen graduated from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Science
in 1978. She moved to San Diego where she was a very successful Real Estate Developer and
Banker. In 1996 she graduated from Evergreen State College with a Master of Education and
began what was a lifelong dream - to teach and teach she did. Wilson High School was blessed
by her dedication, knowledge, and true love of students. As a gifted teacher, Karen inspired
countless students to learn, not only science but to be better human beings. We will miss
her bright mind and enthusiasm for life. She taught her many friends lessons about living,
loving, and dying. She had great wit, intelligence and insight.
She is survived by her parents, 2 sons & 2 grandchildren and many, many dear friends, and
her loving companion "Ruby".
A memorial will be held November 6, 2004 at 2pm at Key Peninsula Lutheran Church.
In lieu of flowers, it is suggested that donations be made to Key Peninsula Lutheran Church,
Educational Fund or Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund.
Published in the News Tribune (Tacoma) on 10/20/2004.