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DON MICHAEL "MIKE" ROTAN ~ Class of 1961
April 29, 1942 - June 21, 2005

Don "Mike" Rotan, 64, died suddenly on June 21, 2005. He was born in Opportunity, WA and
came to the Tri-Cities as a child. He attended the Richland School system, graduating in 1961
from Columbia High (now known as Richland High).
He was first employed at the Westinghouse (HEDL) operation in Richland where he served his
technical apprenticeship. He went on to become a Master Craftsman and Tool & Die Machinist.
He had a varied career that took him too many Western states including an extensive service
with Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. on the Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline.
H enjoyed a challenge whether it was building a hot rod car, a single engine experimental air
plane, or raising his daughter as a single parent. He became enchanted with the country and
culture of Thailand. In his later years he divided his time between Thailand and the state of
Washington. He was a man with few friends, but he would do anything for the friends he had.
He will be missed.
He is survived by his wife of seven years Sumaree and his daughter from a previous
marriage, Peggy.
He was preceded in death by his parents Kemp (d. 1999) and Eunice (d. 1994) of West Richland.
He is also survived by his three sisters and one brother of choice – Patricia ('57) and
Susan ('62) of Washington, Karen ('66) and Benjamin of Alaska.
A private memorial is planned for family and friends on July 23, 2005. If you would like to
attend, there's a phone number to call that's listed on the Einan's website.
Express your thoughts and memories in the online guest book at www.einansfuneralhome.com