VICKI LYNN NEIS ~ Class of 1964
January 20, 1946 - June 20, 2006

Vicki was born January 20, l946 to Merlin & Zelpha Neis in Los Angeles, CA.
She died in a Seattle hospital though she lived in Kennewick. Vicki had an agressive form of MS
which was only diagnosed 3 months prior to her death.
Vicki graduated in 1964 from Columbia High School and went on to CBC. She graduated fron CBC in '66
in nursing (RN). She was worked around the Tri-Cities a number of places including hospitals, home
health, and nursing homes.
She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Amanda and Denny O'Connor and her grandson, Dillon Matthew
O'Conner of Chippewa Falls, WI; her son Anthony "Tony" Neis of Kennewick; and a sister.
She was preceeded in death by her parents and a brother, Merlin.