KAY FORTUNE ROSS ~ Class of 1956
November 21, 1937 - October 2, 2007

Kay Fortune Ross of Wilmington, NC, died peacefully Tuesday, October 2, 2007, at New Hanover Regional Medical Center after a long struggle with cancer.
Kay is survived by her husband, Wilfred Thomas Ross; daughters, Kerry Bloodworth and Tanya Ross; a grandson, William Bloodworth, Jr.; a brother, Ken ('66) and wife Paulette of Seattle, WA; and nieces, Jennifer, Shawna and Kelly.
Kay was born in Sulfur, OK, November 21, 1937. Her family soon moved to Richland, WA, where her father was a Fire Chief at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation. She grew up in Richland and married Will, a young G.E. engineer. After the children were born, they moved to San Jose, CA in 1962, and in 1971 moved to Wilmington, NC. Kay was a wonderful wife and mother. She was a talented decorator and seamstress. In 1974 she made the first uniforms for the Hoggard Band Pom-pom girls. She was a very active member, since 1991, of Lutheran Church of Reconciliation and had been a member of the bereavement committee and the church decorating group.
A memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Monday, October 8, 2007, at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation, 7500 Market Street, Wilmington, NC, 28411, by Pastor Dan Warnes.
Contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society, 930-B Wellness Drive, Greenville, NC, 27834, or to Lutheran Church of Reconciliation.
Condolences may be sent to the family at http://www.andrewsmortuary.com/obituaries.htmlA Market St. Chapel Service.
Published in the Star-News on 10/4/2007.
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