October 8, 1931 - January 12, 2010

...from Abbot Peter and Community:
Eugene Joseph Brodaczynski was born in Milwaukee, WI on October 9, 1931 and baptized 9 days later. He was the 5th of 7 children, having 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Around age 12, the family moved to Richland where his father was employed at the Hanford atomic works.
Gene served in the Army from July, 1952 to July 1954, and his experience of the suffering of the Korean people deeply affected him. He entered the community in 1957 and was given the name Brother M. Andrew. He made simple vows in 1960 and at the time of his solemn in August of 1963, he revered to his baptismal name.
Brother Gene was an accomplished woodworker in our former carpenter shop and worked there until it was sold and closed. He became our first fruitcake baker about 1980, and baked all the cakes until 2007 when his health began to fail. He also served several years as novitiate sub-master under our current abbot when he was novice director. Gene also helped out for a time in the forestry department planting trees.
A quiet, hard-working and dependable monk, Brother Eugene was ever ready to assist the community in any way he could. Always a good community man, Brother was grateful for the help he received during his last couple of years, first in the infirmary and then in an assisted living facility where the efforts to get his strength back failed. He was brought home to die and was assisted by Hospice care 27/7, never really waking up, and passing very peacefully eight days later, during the morning of January 12, the feast of St. Aelred. The funeral and internment in the Abbey cemetery was on Saturday, January 16, 2010, with family and friends in attendance. May he rest ini peace. Please remember our beloved Br. Eugene in your prayers.
-Abbot Peter and Community
From fellow classmate Jim Jensen dated 5/16/2010
Re: The Passing of a Classmate
It's possible that not many Bombers remember Eugene Joseph
BRODACZYNSKI ('50). Even in high school he was a quiet
individual. Being a member of the F.F.A. his senior year is his
only extra-curricular activity mentioned in the 1950 yearbook.
I knew him only slightly. He was not a gregarious person, but
appeared to be a thoughtful observer.
Eugene served his country during the Korean War and then, while
living with his family in Richland, worked "in the areas" for a
In 1996, just before the Club 40 proceedings, I learned that
Eugene had become Brother Eugene, a Trappist Monk at the Our
Lady of Guadalupe Abbey in Lafayette, Oregon. We exchanged
letters, notes and Christmas cards and I discovered something of
the tremendous depth and commitment of this special human being.
Though deeply religious, obviously, he had a gentle sense
of humor which he readily shared. I sent him copies of the
materials handed out at the Class of 1950 gathering conducted
just prior to Club 40 activities. After receiving these things
he told me how wonderful it was to read about his classmates and
see pictures of many. His only regret was the number of them who
had passed away so early he said.
Over the years we wrote about general topics and expressed good
wishes to one another. Several years ago I found out that he was
beginning to lose his sight and vitality. His physical condition
worsened until he passed away in mid-January of this year. I
received a letter from Father Martimus which informed me of
Brother Eugene's death. He described the dedicated and patient
labors which were characteristic of Brother Eugene... how
carefully he performed his tasks and his skills in gardening,
bakery management and in training men new to the calling.
I grieved that the world had lost this precious soul, but felt
that Brother Eugene knew his work was finished here and that he
had no regrets.