April 4, 1989 - July 23, 2011

On April 4, 1989, God entrusted the imperfect body and perfect soul of Elijah John-Robert, to Kathy and Rob Barr. Early in life Eli was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder and his parents were told he would live just a few years. However, through God's amazing grace and the love and prayers of hundreds and hundreds of people, Eli survived two bone marrow transplants, a stem cell transplant, back surgery, and two heart surgeries. On July 23, 2011, our Lord received Eli's soul in heaven after a heroic, but brief struggle with pneumonia, following aortic heart valve replacement surgery. He was full of energy that was firmly founded in love.
A member of the Richland Lutheran Church, Eli was an active, dedicated and faithful member of Jesus Christ's legions. His faith in God was unwavering, continuous and present for all to witness. He had a special relationship with every member of his church, all of whom prayed many hours for him as he traveled through his short life. He particularly loved our Pastors Bill Martens, Steve Ernst and former Pastor Bill Voris, special friends Gretchen and Dave Isakson ('63-RIP) and Corrine Armstrong, who successfully prayed Eli through his many life challenges. None of us will forget Eli's weekly hugs of Corrine following his balancing of the offering on his head at the Saturday night service. (one balancing act!)
Eli graduated from Richland High School in 2010 with hundreds of loving and supportive classmates who traveled with him through his life threatening back surgery. He was the consummate Bomber in 'Bomberland'. Eli and his Uncle Paul and Aunt Linda loved the WSU Cougars and never missed a chance to cheer them on, much to the chagrin of Eli's Idaho Vandal parents and brother. It is certainly safe to say Eli fought and won more tough battles than the Cougars or Vandals!
All who knew Eli quickly experienced his love to chat. He spent many hours on the phone sharing his daily life with his grandma Marjorie and Uncles Paul, Ron and Rick. He had a thirst for knowledge and an endless number of questions about Biblical history, animals and everything in between. We are certain he is a greeter at the gates of heaven.
Eli loved and admired the doctors, nurses and staff of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, who successfully brought him through a bone marrow and a stem cell transplant. He so looked forward to his annual checkup and seeing physician's assistant Richard Rochester, Ms. Elizabeth Walker, who chronicled Eli's life for the St. Jude's Promise Magazine, and Ms. Janice Ivory, who ran the gift store. While at St. Jude's, Eli entwined his life with a truly great man, Mr. Bill Cash, Chief Deputy Sheriff of Shelby County, TN. Eli and Mr. Bill had a very special relationship – Bill was Eli's best friend next to his dad. Bill and Eli talked on the phone for hours sparring over which college was best – WSU or UCLA. Bill introduced Eli to the many members of the Sheriff's Department, including the former sheriff and current mayor of Shelby County, Mark Luttrell. In 2004 Eli was made an honorary member of the Shelby County Sheriff's Department and their SWAT team.
Eli loved all of God's creatures from cats, dogs and birds, to snakes, naked mole rats, and geckoes. Zoo animals were his special passion; his lifelong dream was to build a zoo in the Tri-Cities. His Uncle Paul designed and blueprinted Eli's Tri-City Zoo.
Eli "hired" various friends and family to work at his zoo, principle of which was Pastor Martens – the lead elephant pooper scooper. Eli had a very special relationship with Juan Fuentes, a docent at the Memphis Zoo, one of his most favorite places. They talked animals for hours. Nothing excited Eli more than to tell the story of watching his mom scurry out the door of the Memphis Zoo reptile house as a gaboon viper was fed a large rat.
Eli was an 'extreme' sports fan and his favorite team was the Chicago Cubs. Following his stem cell transplant in 2002, Eli was invited to be a special guest of the Cubs at a game at Wrigley Field. There Eli met and coached Sammy Sosa in the fine art of hitting home runs, as only our precious son could do. Unfortunately, Eli never discussed the illegality of corked bats with Sammy and NEVER forgave Dusty Baker for trading his beloved superstar. He watched every televised Cub game, a true test of his faith, eternal hope and endurance. It is very sad that Eli and millions of Americans have not seen the Cubs win a World Series.
Eli loved to play golf and allegedly got a hole in one on the fifth hole at the West Richland golf course. His true love for golf was energized by the Sun Willows men's gangsome. This group of about 50 "grumpy old men" adopted Eli as one of their own. They enjoyed playing and "trash talking" golf with him. These men are a testament to camaraderie, love of differently-abled kids and the game of golf. Eli enjoyed many special moments with Mr. Weems (a.k.a. Big Brown), Polo and Uncle Charlie.
Eli delighted in fishing with family friends, Bill and Derek Friedel. They spent hours in Bill's boat and had the pictures, stories and even the fish to prove it! Derek and Eli were friends from age three—soccer, baseball, fishing and golfing best buddies to the end. Eli also loved Derek's mom, Vicky, brother, Brandon, sister Brandy and especially their Grandpa and Grandma Wren.
Most important to Eli was his family. Eli loved and admired his big brother Ben. Ben is everything Eli could not be - big, strong, and exceedingly smart.
Eli cherished every hug from Ben. Eli's dad, Rob, was his best friend. They did everything together, always a team of one. They were inseparable and even shared the same stem cells. Eli's mom, Kathy, was his other best friend. What Rob couldn't do - Kathy could. There was and never will be a more loving mother or caregiver than Kathy – Eli knew this with all his heart and soul. He loved his family intensely without condition.
Eli's extended family included his very special Canadian relatives. Eli cherished his memories of special Canadian family events: weddings, fishing at Buffalo Lake, hanging out at the Starling Farm and the Calgary Zoo.
Following high school graduation, Eli became a dedicated, hard working employee of Goodwill Industries and considered the many managers, supervisors and workers of Goodwill to be part of his family. He treasured the many friendships he developed at work, none more than with his supervisor, Mr. Dave (Robison). We thank God for such a wonderful organization and team of people – they enriched Eli's life beyond imagination and encouraged him to be his very best.
Eli is survived by his parents, Rob and Kathy Barr, brother, Ben Barr, grandfather John Sims, grandmother, Marjorie Barr and special grandma, Jane Mack. Eli was loved by many aunts and uncles including Helen, John and Bob Drake, Linda and Paul Engert, Janet and Ron Barr, Terry and Rick Barr. Eli was treasured by his Canadian family and many special family friends: Scott, Debbie, Jeff, Matt and Megan Hardman; former neighbors and cherished friends, Pat and Gayle Harbison; Pat (Seadog), Karen, Bob, Jana, Mike and Joey Leahy; Judy, Danny and Mr. Herman Kurth; Becky, Katie, Jordan, Alex and Chase Enterline, and so many more loving friends who live across the country and are all part of our family.
Eli we love and miss you. From you we learned to trust in our Lord no matter what and to never, never, never give up. Your place in our hearts is sad and our home is very empty and quiet, but our tragic loss is heaven's glorious gain.
Eli's memorial celebration service was August 5, 2011 at the Richland Lutheran Church. Please wear comfortable, cool and casual clothing: golf shirts, favorite team shirts (especially if you are a Cougar or Cubs fan).
In lieu of flowers, please consider honoring Eli with a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Richland Lutheran Church or the local Goodwill Industries.
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