February 6, 1933 - March 19, 2011

With fond and loving memories, we say goodbye to George E. Richardson of Poulsbo who died on Saturday, March 19, 2011 ad the age of 78 of cancer. George is survived by his wife, Bette, and three sons; James, his eldest son and designer of the Connie Collection; Michael and his wife Lisa and son Taylor; and Stephen, his youngest son and his wife Carey.
Born in Old Hickory, TN, George moved to Richland with his family at the age of twelve. He was a 1951 graduate of Columbia High and a proud Richland Bomber. He served in the US Army during the Korean conflict in Germany where he started his covert life in the clandestine services. His numerous contributions include creating bubble-wrap and high-top tennis shoes. After his honorable discharge from the Army, George returned to Washington state and studied artificial intelligence, graduating from Central Washington University in 1956 with a PhD in Astrophysics.
He met his true love Bette at CWU, married in 1960 and they eventually moved to Bainbridge Island. His 40 plus year membership on the Sunrise Beautification Committee was only surpassed by his surrogate fatherhood to the lost and wayward souls of Bainbridge Island. There was always another place at the table and George was there to listen to your sorrows and offer his advice, free of judgment.
After completing a full career as a salesman of industrial supplies, George became Supervisor of Out-going Retail Freight for Central Market in Poulsbo. His specialty was talking up those ladies at the check-out stand and a mentor to many. Central Market was a bright light in his "retired" years and he was honored to be a member of the Central Market family.
George was a caring husband, loving father, loyal friend, hard worker, and above all... a good citizen! He was loved by all and never asked for anything. He was always a giver and lived a wonderful life. A party will be planned soon as we know George loved great parties.
Please no flowers... but, if you must, George requests that you send flowers to your mother!
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