SUE CARY RYEL HINKLE ~ Class of 1951
November 28, 1933 - September 18, 2012

Sue Ryel Hinkle, 78 passed away suddenly following a short battle with pancreatic cancer on September, 18, 2012.
Sue was born on November 28, 1933 in Anthony, KS. She lived in Kansas and Oklahoma during the Great Depression with her parents, Oscar and Jaunita Ryel, who brought her first briefly to Sunnyside, WA and then to Richland in 1944, where work was available at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. She attended Marcus Whitman Grade School and Columbia High School, graduating in 1951.
Sue married Kenneth D. Hinkle ('49-RIP) shortly after graduating from high school and raised a family of three children in Richland. She lost her father Oscar in 1997, husband Ken in 2007, and mother Jaunita in 2009, caring for them tirelessly and personally in their declines.
Sue was a retired Christian Education Director at West Side Church in Richland and a lifetime teacher to many children and adults in the community, and her passion was to make the Bible come alive to her students. Sue's Christian faith was the center of her life and her use of her time and resources no doubt have had a significant impact on many people throughout the Tri-Cities area as well as countries around the globe. She was an ESL teacher for many years, working with immigrants who took refuge from oppressive countries in the Tri-Cities. She also participated in mission trips to countries such as Costa Rica, Malawi, Burma, and Albania, teaching Vacation Bible Schools, and providing support for clean water projects. Her love for others was the passion that drove all she did. Her heart was always for children and the less fortunate.
She is survived by her three children, Steve ('70) (Karen) Hinkle, Susan ('73) Parsons, and Tom ('81) (Elaine) Hinkle. She is also survived by eight grandchildren (Debra, Cheryl, Corey, Jeremy, Annie, Becca, Sarah, and Kadi), four great-grandchildren, and a special first cousin, Doris Walker.
A graveside service will be held Saturday, September 29 at 2pm at Einan's cemetery, followed by a celebration of Sue's life at 3pm at West Side Church in Richland. Visitations are scheduled for Thursday, September 27 from 12pm to 5pm and Friday from 5pm to 8pm at Einan's. In lieu of flowers the family asks that gifts in memory of Sue would go to West Side Church, where a memorial fund has been created to be divided equally between World Relief and Alpha ministries. In addition, memorial gifts can be sent to Sign Fracture Care International in Richland, WA. These are three of the causes she was most passionate about.
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