WALTER "BURL" COMBS ~ Class of 1938
November 22, 1920 - September 21, 2013

Walter "Burl" Combs was born in St. John, WA, November 22, 1920, and passed September 21, 2013, at age 92. He was the son of William Walter and Ida Combs.
Burl moved to Richland from St. John with his family by horse and wagon in 1924. He graduated from Richland High School in 1938. In 1940 he moved to Seattle and worked for Bethlehem Steel Mill.
Three years later he returned to the Tri-Cities to help on the family farm. He married Estilene J. Bragg in 1944. His made a career in the trucking industry starting as a driver and later worked his way up to terminal manager before retiring in 1986 from Viking Freight. Burl loved hunting and fishing.
Burl was a scout master for the Boy Scouts, a member of the Eagles and member of the Pasco Lions Club for 56 years and held numerous offices. As a member he was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellow Award the highest award dedicated to humanitarian service by Lions Clubs International. He was awarded an outstanding service award from the Pasco Lions Club from 1956-2004.
Burl was preceded in death by his wife of 66 years, Estilene Combs, his brothers, Cecil Combs ('29), Willard Combs ('31), sisters Dorothy Combs Patterson ('33), Esther Combs Nickolaus ('40) and Beatrice Olson.
He leaves behind his sister Alma Combs Fowler ('41), his children Vickey (Tom) Steffens, Jeannie (Kenneth) Jones, and Robert (Carolyn) Ness, 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
There will be a celebration of life Saturday, October 5, 2013, at 11am, at Mueller’s Tri-Cities Funeral Home, 1401 S. Union, Kennewick with a viewing Friday from 5pm to 8pm. Interment will be at Desert Lawn Memorial Park. A reception will follow at the Lions Club in Pasco. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to NW Lions Foundation, 211 Yale Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109 or
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