CHARLES K. "CHUCK" VEVERKA, JR. ~ Class of 1954
September 25, 1935 - April 7, 2013

After a year-long battle with colon cancer, Chuck died peacefully in his Richland home on April 7, 2013. He was born in Lucas County, Iowa on September 25, 1935, in his grandparents' home. His parents were Twila Norman Veverka and Charles Veverka, Sr. His early childhood years were spent in Iowa and Colorado. In 1945, he and his parents moved to Richland. He attended school at Marcus Whitman, Carmichael, and graduated from Columbia High School in 1954.
After his marriage to Kathleen Lois Rice, they bought a house on Boulder Street, which is still the family home. While raising their three daughters, many friendships and memories were made in that little house!
Dad worked for General Electric during his early working years, then PNNL from 1967 until his retirement in 1995. Retirement gave Mom and Dad the opportunity to travel/cruise as a couple and with friends to Las Vegas, Alaska, Hawaii, Tennessee, and the Mediterranean. In 2008, Mom (his wife of 47 years) passed away from cancer. Dad lovingly cared for her throughout her battle. As a married couple, they taught us the true meaning of the vows taken on a wedding day.
Family memories include yearly trips to Ocean Shores (Rod's Resort) to go clam digging, fishing, camping, bowling, ping pong, volleyball/badminton in the backyard, Oregon Coast vacations, and many card and board games (especially "Nertz"). Bowling has been an important part of dad's life. There is no doubt that he will be deeply missed by his bowling friends.
Although Dad was a kind, humble man, he was very competitive. He hated to lose, even if he was playing "Horse" with one of his grandchildren. If it was a team sport, you always wanted to be on HIS team.
He taught his children and grandchildren lifelong lessons. These lessons include: how to quietly wait for the fish to take your bait and then set the hook, dig for clams in your shorts because you are going to get cold and wet anyway, play to win, if you can lend a hand – do it, sometimes silence is the best thing to say, and always double down when you have eleven. His final lesson was how to say good-bye with courage and acceptance.
Dad is survived by his three daughters: Christy ('78) (Glenn) Wegner, Kimberly ('81) (Jed) Berna, and Angela (Tom) Kenner. He is survived by seven grandchildren: Justin (Celeste), Kalie (Miguel), Kasey, Courtney, Robert, Madelyn, Eli, and great-granddaughters Alona and Alora. He is also survived by his sister, Irene Schjeldrup of Arvada, CO, and her family, the family of his brother, Lyle Dyken, his brother-in-law Mike (Donna) Rice ('60), and his family, and sister-in-law Patricia (Mike) Lamb ('63) and her family. Finally, dad is survived by Irene Johnson and her family. Irene and Dad replaced lonely moments with fun-filled memories.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Kathleen "Kathy" ('58-RIP). In addition, he was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Twila Veverka, his in-laws, Lawrence and Lola Rice, his brother, Lyle Dyken, and nieces, Sherry Hardee and Linda Detra.
Please join us in a celebration of Dad's life on Thursday, April 11 at 4:30pm. This celebration will be held at the Elks Lodge in Kennewick, 15 South Colorado Street. Dress code is casual or Hawaiian. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Dad's name to Hospice or your favorite charity.
Express your thoughts and memories in the online guest book at Einan's Funeral Home.