December 27, 1936 - July 26, 2014

Born December 27, 1936, in Portland, OR Carol passed away peacefully at home in Folsom, CA on Saturday, July 26, 2014.
Memorial service for Carol was held September 13, 2014, at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Folsom, CA. Another memorial service was held on Carol's birthday December 27, 2014, at Fairway Village in Vancouver, WA.
In addition to her family and many friends, the joy of Carol's life was opportunities for creativity she found in Sacramento Valley Chorus and Sweet Adeline's International. She was a valuable and eager team participant in every part of performance production from costuming and show script writing to creating with the choreography team. Life in the barbershop/a-cappella music world became a family affair with husband Daryl often serving as emcee for chorus shows and daughter, Dana, joining the organization in her late teens. The family traveled the United States venues for Sweet Adelines International Competitions as Dana's quartet, Razzcals, rose to prominence in the Top 10 for an unprecedented fourteen-year period, during which time Carol's and Daryl's support was unflagging.
Carol loved performing with her chorus as well as with smaller groups springing from within chorus ranks. One in particular was called "Spittin' Image" a mother daughter double quartet which competed and won first place back in the '80s. Carol's proudest moments were singing with her daughter and traveling around Northern California with "Spittin' Image" and performing in shows.
Her parents, William and Sarah Hollingsworth, and brother, Bill Hollingsworth preceded her in death. NOTE: our Alma Mater was written by Carol's dad (RIP). She has missed the love of her life, Daryl Entrikin, since the day of his death January 12, 2003. Married for 40 blissful years, the "Carol and Daryl team" is at last rejoined.
She is survived by her daughter Dana and her son Joel, who traveled from Arizona to be with his sister at their mother's side during her last days and his three children, Joey, Alex, and Amy. Her survived family in her home state of Oregon, for whom Carol, as a member of The Society of Mayflower Descendants, served as family genealogy researcher include cousin Nancy Brown, sister-in-law Bonnie Hollingsworth, nephews Mark, Mike, and Matt Hollingsworth, sister-in-law Janet Sprando, nephews Mark, Bruce, and Steve, brother-in-law Jerry Entrikin, (sister-in-law Janet Entrikin who passed away June 2014) nephews Jay and Chris; and niece Stacy. Brother-in-law Howard Entrikin, sister-in law-Beverly, nephews Matt and Marty. Carol is deeply loved and will be sorely missed.
Published on The Sacramento Bee August 13 and 14, 2014.
Guest Book online till 8/13/16.