Submitted by Brad Wear ('71)
Re: Fellow Bomber: Jim Mattis ('68)

DATE: 10/16/03 06:08
SUBJECT: Marine General: Leading From Iraqi Battlefield Informed Key Decisions 

Inside The Pentagon October 16, 2003

At a time of increasing reliance on sophisticated sensor and communications
technologies to paint a "picture of the battle space" to top generals far from
the war front, a key Marine Corps commander last spring opted to lead his
troops in Iraq the old-fashioned way: He went there.

"In two minutes at the front edge of the combat zone, you know if the troops
feel confident, if the battle's going the way they want it to, [or if] they
need something," said Maj. Gen. James Mattis, commanding general of the 1st
Marine Division. "You can sense it. And you can apply something."

Mattis' troops formed the heart of the Marines' air-land team in combat
against Iraqi forces last March and April. Fighting in parallel with the
Army's V Corps and British forces, the Marines were among the allied ground
troops overseen by the Coalition Force Land Component Command's high-
technology war room at Camp Doha, Kuwait.

Mattis' task in "leading from the front" was greatly facilitated by a host of
modern communications technologies, he said in a Sept. 25 interview with
Inside the Pentagon.

Mattis said a "dozen communicators" accompanied him everywhere he went,
providing him with satellite telephones; radios that use high-frequency, VHF
or UHF bands; and Blue Force Tracker, an Army-developed system that locates
friendly forces.

Mattis' communications team "kept all those flowing around me," he said. The
general hastened to add that although he remained in close touch with his
troops on the tip of the spear, he was not personally at great risk for much
of the war.

"You'll notice there were no major generals on the casualty lists. There were
lance corporals and sergeants," Mattis said. "So when you talk about [leading
from] the front, it's relative. There's probably no lance corporal infantryman
who would not have preferred to be in my position at some point there, on my
worst day."

Mattis downplayed the effect the loss of a general officer might have on troop
morale, saying it likely would steel them more in fighting enemy forces (see

Yet Mattis was, by choice, the antithesis of the modern-day warrior image some
Pentagon leaders have sought to cultivate. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John
Jumper, for one, envisions war commanders attacking targets on an electronic
map with the click of a mouse from a battle center physically removed from

"I would routinely move up to the assault regiments or to the assault
battalion commanders," Mattis said. "If we were going to continue to attack in
one area and if it was a pretty sharp fight, I'd move up to get a sense of how
sharp the fighting really was."

He said he could "tell within minutes of getting there" how well or poorly his
forces were doing -- more by sensing the combat atmosphere than by objectively
analyzing friendly versus enemy forces.

In keeping with Marine Corps doctrine, Mattis said he prefers leading through
"command and feedback" rather than traditional "command and control."

"And you get your best feedback by . . . going out and sensing what's going
on. That's when you really know what's happening," Mattis told ITP. He said he
could not effectively command "as the generals did in World War I, sitting
back at a chateau in France and getting a telegraph key clicking to them."

Mattis, who earlier led the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade and Task Force 58
in Afghanistan, commanded from the field by leapfrogging two communications
posts as his forces pressed forward.

"In both Iraq and Afghanistan . . . I maintained what I call a 'forward
observation post,'" Mattis said. "One light armored vehicle C2, [or] command
and control, variant and the four humvees that carried my comm gear --these
five vehicles traveled with me. This was my forward observation post in Iraq."

A "jump" command post, or CP, was set up anew each time the Marine division
moved closer to Baghdad, Mattis said.

"There is a forward and a main CP," he explained. "The main is where most
everything goes on. When they are getting ready to break down [antennas and
computers] and move forward, the forward CP goes up and takes command and
control of the battle."

Troops radioing back to Mattis' division command post would often be unaware
whether they were talking with the forward CP or main CP, he said.

For example, Marines at the front might call back to the division CP, saying,
"Blue Diamond, I need a casualty evacuation here," Mattis described. At one
given time, a voice from the main CP might respond. But an hour later -- after
the two CPs leapfrogged positions -- Marines might hear another voice respond
from the forward CP. The two command posts were equally responsive, he said.

Mattis said he was routinely at the division CP "some time of the day as I get
the bigger feeds and understand everything. And then I go where it's most
critical that day."

He said he would often fly by helicopter or travel in a small convoy to
wherever an important battle was taking place.

"I get up there and I sense what's going on from the commander face-to-face,"
Mattis said. "If he's dead tired, that helps me to understand what they're
facing. But those human aspects are much more important to combat then all of
the mechanical [questions like], 'What level of supplies does this unit

Mattis offered two other principal reasons, one philosophical and the other
tactical, for leading from the battlefield rather than from a command center
in the rear.

First, "basically war is something that requires courage and it's in the
province of fear," he said. "And if you don't move forward yourself, you lose
your moral authority to order others to go."

Mattis says "the No. 1 authority you have [as a commander] is moral authority.
The No. 1 power you have is expectation. If they expect to see you and they
see you, and you expect to see them moving forward, then that moral imperative
is what really takes us forward."

Second, from a purely practical standpoint, Mattis doesn't trust that the
sensor and communications systems will always function as needed in the heat
of battle.

"Why shouldn't we sit back [behind the battlefield]?" Mattis asked. "All that
fancy gear will break down."

He pointed to last month's Hurricane Isabel, which roared up the East Coast
and caused extended power outages throughout the Washington area.

"We sit here in the most technologically advanced country, in one of the most
technologically advanced parts of that country," Mattis said. "And a silly
hurricane comes through [and] we have [computer] servers in every building
here, and we have people right now who don't have the power to send a message
across the street or to the next floor up.

"And do you think [there won't be similar failures] under the stresses of
combat, where an enemy is trying to interrupt those communications, where low-
cost alternatives exist [like using] jammers that you can't even find because
they're so small and they're hidden inside a box of trash next to a road
you're driving down?" he continued. "There's a million things that can go

Rather than assume he can track and make sense of virtually every movement on
the battlefield -- as some advocates of "network-centric" warfare imply --
Mattis says he provides his troops clear "commander's intent" about the
battle's underlying objectives, leaving the rest largely to them.

"It's all about commander's intent, to me," he said. "Commander's intent does
not mean that I have to be monitoring every minute. Do I like to have good
situational awareness? Yes, I want the best technology and the best capability
I can get. But there is no way that I think that you can take the place of
that timeless commander's intent."

Mattis says the sophisticated technologies he and his forces used in Iraq
greatly reduced friendly casualties, but were not necessary for winning the

"We could have had the Iraqis' gear and they could have had ours, and we still
would have gotten to Baghdad nearly as fast," he said. "It would not have
changed [the outcome]. Now what [the advanced gear] does is it allows us to do
it with many fewer casualties."

-- Elaine M. Grossman