Additional Text for the 10/25/04 Alumni Sandstorm 
>>From: Jim Russell ('58)

Re: Rite to Arm Bears
    OK, I have to jump in here and put in my 2 cents
regarding gun "control." Just about everyone who has
written to the Sandstorm on this subject is raising an
alarm about not letting anyone take away their guns. The
argument is not only foolish, but unnecessary. I know of
no one who is seriously calling for a repeal of the 2nd
amendment. It not only is a good thing to allow us to have
arms, it is also politically impossible to repeal.

However, it does make a lot of sense to register arms so
that any which are stolen and recovered in a crime can be
traced to their rightful owner. Perhaps those who do not
take proper measures to keep their guns secure should be
subject to accessory to a crime. And that may be why gun
owners are worried about proper registration laws. Law
abiding citizens who own guns do not and will never have
to worry about losing their guns. If we ever elect an
administration who has the power to influence Congress to
amend the Constitution to repeal the 2nd amendment
followed by an agreement of 3/4ths of the States (38),
then I think we'll all see that coming well before we need
to take up arms in earnest.

I really get riled by these fear mongers! Sorry.

-Jim Russell ('58)