Additional Text for the 10/27/04 Alumni Sandstorm 
>>From: Jan Bollinger Persons ('60)

To:  Tedd Cadd ('66)
Re: Stem Cell Research
    Thanks for presenting facts and documented sources in
this discussion. I am interested in hearing both opinions
and facts on this subject, but some posts lately have
offered "facts" that turn out to be mere opinions--and
political ones at that. It also seems disingenuous to
submit a post that appears to be a neutral get-out-the-
vote message but at the end manages to become an obvious
political statement. Likewise when the subject of gun
control somehow provides an excuse to slam one political
party. These tactics are apparently designed to slip the
political message past the editors, and are bound to
encourage more of the same--which will probably get all of
us sent to the Sagebrush Rag, because we'll all want equal
time and a brawl will result! Lively discussion keeps the
Sandstorm interesting, so it would behoove us to keep the
debates within the boundaries set by the editors.

-Jan Bollinger Persons ('60) ~ Spokane - Where it's been 
                24º the last two nights, but sunny days.