Alumni Sandstorm ~ 07/11/15
4 Bombers sent stuff: 
Mike CLOWES ('54), Jim HAMILTON ('63)
David RIVERS ('65), Alan LOBDELL ('69)

Patti's All Bombers' LUNCH: 12:30, JD Diner, W.Richland (every 2nd Sat)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54)

I have to wonder if the Tooter ('65) is feeling all right as his
last birthday greeting was short and to the point. Is he loosing
his legal circumlocution?

Beside the point. The actual point being is that this is the
second of many Bomber birthdays to be acknowledged this month
for members of The Class of '54. In his life after graduation he
has done many things and been a few places; he's even been known
to be a week early for a class reunion. So, on this occasion 
I will tip the ol' propeller beanie and give the "Happy
Birthday!" cheer for Roger MIKULESKY ('54) and hope that he 
has many more.

It is pleasing to note that some of the usual suspects will be
in attendance at this year's Club 40 Meeting and "Whoop-de-doo".
So keep those registrations coming in, basically to give the
treasurer something to do.

-Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54) ~ Mount Angel, OR  where the
      cooler temps are pleasant.
>>From: Jim HAMILTON ('63)

Re: Little Help Here

A classmate of ours and longtime friend of mine has fallen on
some very hard times and I am trying to help him wade thru the
administrative mess that comes with Government Programs.

He is 70 years old, has virtually no assets and currently
receives some $700 month social security and $100 worth of food
stamps. In the past he was receiving some monthly payments from
the VA, but those stopped when he was incarcerated some time
back and have not been reinstated. His electric scooter that 
was donated by a local service club has been "repode" because he
couldn't provide covered storage to keep it out of the elements.

Is there anyone out there in Bomberland who understands the
system, or can point me in the general direction of someone who

This individual is not a self starter and has been jacked around
by his local American Legion service officers to the point that
he has accepted the status quo and figures that things are not
going to get any better, so why bother. I being attracted to
lost causes, feel I owe it to him to make things better.

I just need to figure out how to make the merry go round stop
long enough to get the right people on.

-Jim HAMILTON ('63)
>>From: David RIVERS ('65)

Re: loooooooooooooooong time B-day friend

I often wonder who was the first kid I met when I was old 
enough to know I was a kid... I met some very young I'm sure... 
missed this kid when I was home a few weeks ago... stopped into
Richland Bell at 11:30 and he was already at lunch... thought 
he was a merchant, not a Banker... he woulda hadda be a very
early meet for me as his Pop was my Pop's best friend... not 
sure if I should call him on his b-day as he may be out to 
lunch... but he always calls me on mine so fair is fair... 
hope he has a good one... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Peter "Joe" CARROLL 
('65) on your special day, June 11, 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-David RIVERS ('65)
>>From: Alan LOBDELL ('69)

Re: Water

I spent over 35 years as a Professional Civil Engineer working
as a Project Engineer, City Engineer and Public Works Director
and have never found clean non-corrosive, high ph, micro
clustered water like this Japanese medical machine produces.
City and bottled water is only good for flushing toilets! This
is the best water for good health I've ever seen. Take a look 
at this 23 minute demo. No one in the house has been sick a day
since we got it.

I wish I would have found it when Maxine was fighting breast
cancer.      [Not endorsed by me.  -Maren]

-Alan LOBDELL ('69)
That's it for today. Please send more.