Alumni Sandstorm ~ 09/29/16
2 Bombers sent stuff: 
Mike CLOWES ('54)
David RIVERS ('65)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54)

Have you really noticed the lessening amount of daylight these
days? Has nothing to do with honoring an older Bomber Babe's
birthday. I did know her from way back then. We even had a
class together. I doubt if she even spoke to me; her being a
Senior and me a nothing southmore. But we were in the same
room at the same time so that's gotta count for something.

A tip of the ol' propeller beanie and a "Happy Birthday!" for
Kay MITCHELL ('52) on the occasion of her 26th birthday. Stay

-Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54) ~ Mount Angel, OR   being 
   thankful that the Saturday Portland Bomber lunch is inside
>>From: David RIVERS ('65)

Re: great memories

Every now and then someone asks if I would move back to
Richland... while Richland contains and is the subject of most
all of the memories of my first 19 years of life, Richland is
not the same as it was during those first 19 years... an
example using Las Vegas may explain... When I first got to
Vegas, it was just about as close to Richland as one could
get... the Mormon population was larger and the Mafia
population was certainly much larger, but the feel of the town
was much the same. We grew up inna "company" town where true
crime was scarce... the same was true for Vegas, "Mafia" 
town began at Sahara, which was and continues to be in the
county... there was an unwritten agreement that this town
would be pretty much "crime-free"... sure sure if you pass a
law requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon one can
create "crime" over night... my buddy the Sheriff's brother
did just that so that Tony Spilotro couldn't carry a gun... uh
huh... I mean muggings, robberies, shootings etc... the town
was virtually crime free in that sense much like Richland...
if you went to an event... any event, you knew almost everyone
there... there came a time when that was no longer true... I
remember the nite one of my law partners turned to me after a
show and said: "remember when we knew everyone in town?... I
didn't see a single soul I knew tonight"... Used to be I could
go home and the very first person I ran into was JoAnn
BUSHNELL ('65)... it never failed... now I hit town and I have
to look people up... for the most part, the only people I know
are the people I am with and maybe... just maybe another
couple or two... but that's it... so my memories... my very
best memories are of Richland (now let's not go saying... oh
yeah what about your daughter's birth... you know what I
mean)... no matter anything else, Richland is love to me...
who cares about the punches in the mouth... the "turn in your
Books, Rivers"... the "broken hearts"... none of the so called
"bad stuff" in life compares to my wonderful memories which do
not take place in a vacuum, but are filled with Bomber-babes
and guys... all my memories concern and contain you guys!
Today's b-day guy is one of those memories. He was older and
had it all going for him... looks and skill... he was a cool
guy and I used to watch him and his pals on the playground at
Spalding when school grounds were still for community use...
he along with others were my early heroes and they remain my
heroes to this very day... just because I know him well enough
to give him shit doesn't mean I don't still think he's cooler
than cool... Just like other guys one of whom we lost
recently... I have searched for the picture of Jerry IRWIN
('58-RIP) doing the bop at R2K but just can't find it/..and no
it would be a lie to say I'll ever get my pictures organized
so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jack GARDINER (61) on your special day,
September 29, 2016... talk to ya tomorrow unless some buncha
girls take you out as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-David RIVERS ('65)
That's it for today. Please send more.