Alumni Sandstorm ~ 11/30/19
	YIPPIE! SKIPPIE!! It's College Football Saturday!!! 
16 Bombers sent stuff:
Rex HUNT ('53), Allan AVERY ('54)
Diane AVEDOVECH ('56), Ken HEMINGER ('56)
Jim RUSSELL ('58), Phil GROFF ('58)
Pattie CRIGLER ('59), Annette HALL ('62)
Helen CROSS ('62), Paula BEARDSLEY ('62)
Karen KLEINPETER ('63), Maren SMYTH ('63 & '64)
Bill SCOTT ('64), Carol CONVERSE ('64) 
Linda REINING ('64), Pam EHINGER ('67)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Rebecca HANSON ('66_)

11/30 ~ 25 days till Christmas
 	CINNAMON BEAR- Listen to
		 "Weary Willy" (Episode #2) 

11/29 BOISE ST-32 @ Colorado St-24
11/29 APPLE CUP ~ UW-31 v WSU-13 

	COLLEGE FOOTBALL TODAY (check local listings)
11/30 1OSU(11-0) @ 13MI(9-2) 11(CST) FOX Michigan Sta
11/30 CSM* v Modesto for Northern Cal Title 2(CST)
11/30 16ND(9-2) @ Stanford(4-7) 3(CST) Stanford Sta 
11/30 2LSU(11-0) v _TX A&M(7-4) 6(CST) ESPN Death Valley 
	*CSM = College of San Mateo CA junior college where
	the editor's nephew is head football coach

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Rex HUNT ('53)

Re: Falling!

Well, Maren, I can truly sympathies... I fell the other day
landed on the back of my head and my tail bone. I apparently
was knocked out for about 15 minutes. At least I felt no
pain. My fall was a combination of my awkwardness and my
clumsiness. As I am not sure footed anymore, I use a wheeled
walker. I hit a slightly raised tile so I gave an extra hard
shove. Only there was no resistance. The walker flew ahead, I
stumbled and in flaying my arms to regain my balance, I spun
around and did a 2 point landing. My head healed rather
quickly, My tail bone has its own agenda. But all checked out
just fine. after 6 hours in the emergency room I was cleared
to fly.

-Rex HUNT ('53wb) ~ Hanford, CA where the people turkeys out 
	number the bird turkeys. I fixed a Prime rib as I am 
	not a turkey aficionado. Besides I live with one. I 
	may have felt to close to cannibalism.  
>>From: Allan AVERY ('54)

Re: next issue of Sandstorm (assuming you survive :-)

(You'll be getting a lot of these messages today.)


You got REALLY lucky with that one! Y'all gotta SLOW DOWN.
JUST ONE and it could be All Over. Good thing the offsprings
were there, in case you weren't so lucky. Take it from me.
I'm on my behind from my latest fall 11 days ago. Waiting for
the grotesque swelling on the knee & leg to go down, so they
can scan it and see how to fix it. I believe it's a mental
condition: Trying to do four things at the same time, All of
which have to be done today, NOW. We were better at it when
we were younger. Matter'a fact, if you run across a possible
cure, please let me know. I'd report back how it worked for
me. Provided, of course, that the higher power doesn't decide
I'm out of chances, on my next one.

-Allan AVERY ('54)
>>From: Diane AVEDOVECH ('56)

To: Maren

Re: Darn fall

Maren, I am so sorry you had that terrible fall. I sympathize
with you. It seems to go along with getting older. I've had
several falls as well and still have repercussions from them.
Take care and gets some rest and see your doctor for
unexpected results from the fall. Best wishes for a rapid
recovery from that fall.

-Diane AVEDOVECH ('56)
>>From: Ken HEMINGER ('56)

Re: Oops


Sorry to hear about your slip and slide moment.

Knowing a lot was going through your mind while airborne... 

I'm perty sure all will agree that is considered an "Well
Sh*t" moment

Anyway, hope it wasn't as bad as it sounded, and I wish you a
speedy recovery.

-Ken HEMINGER ('56wb) ~ Great Falls, MT 12" of snow, and 8°
>>From: Jim RUSSELL ('58)

To: Maren

Re: falls [tumbles]

I hope your spill down the stairs the other evening has
resulted in nothing but a few aches and pains accompanied by
red-faced embarrassment. Please rest and know you're in our

Your tale reminds me that my dear Lady Billie (NAB - a
Ballard Beaver) took a bad fall 3 months ago. Her balance 
has not been good this past year and her limbs are weak, so
we've been extra careful. We live on the second floor of a
condo/apartment complex and I assist her up and especially
down the exterior flight of stairs (11 steps). One day she
was being picked up by a girl friend to go to lunch, and I
assisted her (cane in hand) down the steps. All was fine. 
I was about to let go of her arm when at the same time 
she turned 90° to greet her friend. Unfortunately, as she
stepped forward, she didn't lift her left foot high enough 
to clear her right, tripped, fell, and hit her head directly
onto the concrete sidewalk. The blood flowed profusely. We
took her straight-away to the emergency ward at Edmonds
Stevens Hospital, where they kept her 24 hours for
observation. Fortunately, she suffered no permanent damage.

My eyesight is no longer to be trusted. I am in the habit -
lights on or off - to count the number of steps each time I
leave the house. I've been known to misjudge whether I've
reached the bottom step. I'm so used to counting these steps
that no matter where I am, if I am using steps, I count, even
though I have no idea how many steps there are.

-Jim RUSSELL ('58) ~ Sunny but chilly Mountlake Terrace, WA
>>From: Phil GROFF ('58)

To: Roger SHARP ('59) 

Re: Moles

When a mole hole appears move the mound back and dump "Cat
Poop" in the hole and recover. Moles do not like "Cat Poop" 

-Phil GROFF ('58)
>>From: Pattie CRIGLER Cole ('59)

To: Roger SHARP ('59) 

Re: Moles

Roger, my husband is a mole "expert". We had 4 acres with a
big field that moles loved. It is not an easy process, but he
became very good at it. There are traps that work (not legal
in WA). He ordered them from Canada. It is quite a process to
use them, but if you want the info, let me know. 

Good luck... hate those little guys!!!!

-Pattie CRIGLER Cole ('59)
Sent from my iPad
>>From: Annette HALL Bundrant ('62)

Re: Maren's Tumble

Maren, sorry about the fall. Soak in some Epsom salts. 

Re: Moles

I always heard, place a piece of bazooka bubble gum near the
entrance. Mole takes it and eats it. Swells up and dies,
can't get the stuff out of the body. Don't know, just heard.

-Annette HALL Bundrant ('62)
>>From: Helen CROSS Kirk ('62)

Re: Maren's Tumble

Maren, hope you are feeling better after a night on the
heating pad. I was going to use one of those mobile heating
pads once, and it said do not sleep with this if you are over

	[This heating bad shuts off automatically after
	a certain length of time... dunno how long, but 
	I kept waking up and it was off. I'd turn it 
	back on - LOW. -Maren]

I was wondering what type of allergy medicine I should buy,
so I was reading Labels at the drugstore, one said if you are
over 65, ask your doctor.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving before the fall.

I fell twice with my kids this year,once at Myrtle Beach,
and once at the zoo this fall. As you say, it just happens so

Re: 5K Turkey Walk

On a good note my husband and I both completed the 5k turkey
walk here in our little rural county on TG morning.

As I gave up walking regularly a few years ago, but do
faithfully do water aerobics 2-3 times a week, and Warren
gave up jogging maybe 15 years ago, we weren't sure how we'd
do in our mid-70s.

I FINISHED ONLY ADDING 1 minute to my total time, and Warren
did jog the whole way. Not bad for 2 old people we thought,
and thank Heaven for having good health.

And now we only have 24 days to get everything done for
Christmas!! Wow, where did 2019 go?

Happy December everyone in Bomberland.

And Happy Christmas!!

-Helen CROSS Kirk ('62) ~ in the house by the little lake
	in SE Indiana, where we are glad it's still in the 
	40s, and not colder. 
Sent from my iPhone
>>From: Paula BEARDSLEY Glenn ('62)

Re: Maren's Tumble

Oh my, Maren! It's probably best no cameras were rolling 
but I'm sure you would have gotten a "10" for style and
athleticism! I have had similar falls and it seems as time
passes, more sore spots and bruises appear. Be kind to
yourself, rest, heat, ice, ibuprofen or tequila - whichever
works and feel better quickly!

Re: Black Friday 

The days of up at zero dark thirty are done for me. I managed
to roll out about 7:45 to Freddy's for socks and lights. Back
home by 9:00! Planned making our Kiwanis meeting and some
sewing projects for today but tummy acting up so maybe a
Hallmark movie marathon between naps instead. Hope hubby
happy with grilled cheese for dinner!

	[As long as hubby MAKES the grilled cheese, he'll
	be happy with it! -Maren]

-Paula BEARDSLEY Glenn ('62) ~ Richland
>>From: Karen KLEINPETER Kroger ('63)

Re: Maren's Tumble

Oh no!! I hope by the time you read this you've had a good
night's sleep and all parts are still working. Falls happen
in such a flash, and then we pay for them for way too long.
And you were being careful, too. I'm sorry, Maren. Heal
quickly and feel better soon.
Bomber hugs,
Karen KK '63

-Karen KLEINPETER Kroger ('63)
>>From: Maren SMYTH ('63 & '64)


Re: 2020 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race - Official Iditarod Site

96 days to go till the start of Iditarod 2020, March 7th.

53 have signed up ... 

Re: Tumble update

Decided to change the word "fall" to "tumble" since Stacey
said I ROLLED and my legs went over my head as I rolled down
the steps. 

The first slip came the step BEFORE the landing. Then there
is a 90° turn and 4-5 more steps down after that. I had a
death grip on the railing but I made that 90° turn... I think
that's when I let go of the railing and then just continued
to roll down the steps. Since there appears to be no serious
damage (besides my pride) it must have been pretty funny
watching me roll down the steps. Stacey was NOT amused... and
told me I can't take those stairs any more... I have to take
the elevator, which I do not like... people sometimes get
stuck in it.. 

Still taking ibuprofen, resting and taking it easy. Back is
still pretty sore -- from my shoulder blades to the bottom of
my butt... back must have hit the edge of every step on the
way down? WAIT that couldn't have happened if I ROLLED could

Got an extra pillow under my butt while I'm doing the

Guess I was kind of out of it last night when I prepared the
Sandstorm cuz I neglected to even list the Apple Cup...
Bomber apologies to Huskeys and Cougs... 

Thanks for all the well-wishes... I'm doing better and better
with each passing hour.

Bomber cheers,
-Maren SMYTH ('63 & '64) ~ Gretna, LA ~ 64° at 3:30am
>>From: Bill SCOTT ('64)

To: Jo MILES ('64)

I'm sending my hearty fellow-author congratulations to Jo for
the news of his book, "Kamiakin Country". Jo, you should have
told us sooner! I'll be ordering a copy and get back with a
review once I've read it. No guarantees on when that will be

-Bill SCOTT ('64)
>>From: Carol CONVERSE Maurer (Magic Class of '64)

Re: Maren's Fall

What a way to end Thanksgiving day! I'm so sorry to hear
this. I know it's hard to tell what really happened in your
fall. I, too, was being very careful several years ago when I
fell about 4 or 5 steps in the house. It happens soooo FAST!
Before I knew it, I was on the floor looking at my wrist and
saying... I think I broke my arm. Hopefully, nothing broke.

-Carol CONVERSE Maurer (Magic Class of '64) ~ a cold 
	Kennewick! Different parts of the Tri-Cities got a 
	bit of snow a couple nights ago.  
>>From: Linda REINING ('64)

Oh my gosh! Maren, so sorry to hear you fell---hope nothing
is broken and that you will be up and around, soon. I have
two new hips, so falling is my biggest fear---too many things
that can get broken and take way too long to mend! We have a
basement, with carpeted stairs, that I go up and down, daily,
I keep a "death grip" on the railing. We also have cement
steps coming into the house, and I keep a "death grip" on
that railing, too. please take care and hoping you will be 
up and around, soon.

Bomber hugs, 
-Linda REINING ('64) ~ Kuna, ID  
>>From: Pam EHINGER (Blue Ribbon Class of '67)

Re: Maren's fall!

Been there did that! Felt like a total idiot! You know
everyone had seen you fall! All you can do is get up
(slowly) & brush yourself off. Wave then hold your head high
& get in the car! Drive home! Use an Ice Pack on the places
where it hurts most!

	[Didn't have to drive. S-I-L drove. I don't 
	drive after dark. -Maren]

Good Luck, Maren!

Bombers Rule
-Pam EHINGER (Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
That's it for today. Please send more.