Alumni Sandstorm ~ WAR RELATED
For those who want to read them... This entire document
is for "War Related" entries... in order of receipt. 
New entries will be added at the top...  -Maren
DATE: 3/27/03
>>From: Mary Ray Henslee ('61) ~

Re: Anti-War Protesters

In view of the fact that our parents spent the better
part of their life proudly contributing to the defense
of our country and our continued freedom, it is only
apropos that we be allowed to express ourselves during
wartime in this forum. Thank you Maren for deciding to
bend the rules. 

That said, I am neither here to support or dispute the
war, but only to express my shock and anger at those
who choose to publicly malign this country and
discredit our leaders during wartime. What happened
between 9/11 and now to cause such a break down in our
patriotism and resolve? Have some become so politicized
and full of hate that they have developed tunnel
vision? A superpower cannot remain a superpower if its
people behave in such a way to embolden the enemy.
Anti-war protesters should keep in mind that the world
is watching and try to show respect for our leaders and
country despite their opposition to President Bush's
foreign policy. One can only look at criminal forms of
protest with complete condemnation since these
protesters are extremely hypocritical to the ideals of
peace and nonviolence that they claim are the basis for
their objections. 

What has happened to United We Stand? I personally
think the only way to avoid war is to show a united
front against the enemy. I firmly believe if the United
Nations had chosen to take a united stand, this war may
have been averted. Maybe Saddam Hussein and his regime
would have agreed to exile? Under the circumstances it
is now more important than ever for the people of this
country to stand united or we will be setting ourselves
up for further ridicule and more confrontations. 

We have enemies bent on killing, destroying, and
terrorizing our great nation, as well as other great
countries around the world. It is an outrage to see
anyone, especially political leaders and celebrities,
make unconscionable public statements to exalt their
political agendas at the expense of not only our troops
safety, but the safety of people all around the world.
We cannot support our troops and lighten their load
unless we show a united front to the world. It doesn't
support the troops to protest what they are doing!

Times have changed and two great oceans no longer serve
to protect us here at home. Besides emboldening the
enemy, protesters are also draining and diverting
resources needed for anti-terrorists operations. In the
eyes of the terrorists, we are all infidels and we are
all targets. They will not spare people or countries
that protest in their favor. They attacked us before we
went to Iraq and they will likely try again. Like it or
not, we are in an either them or us situation and it
would be foolish to think otherwise. Our enemies will
not seek United Nations approval before they try to
kill us. 

Regardless of one's political views, anti-war
protesters should not be applauded for expressing their
freedom of speech in the streets, but rather encouraged
to express their views at the ballot box. May they soon
realize that public dissent during wartime is counter-
productive. It will cost lives, not save lives. For the
good of everyone here and abroad, it is time to put
aside differences and stand united. 

All of the brave men and women serving to make the
world a safer place deserve our support and gratitude. 

-Mary Ray Henslee ('61)
DATE: 03/24/03
>>From: Guy Lobdell ('66) ~

Re: 1st Marines CO's message (Sgt Grit Newsletter 3/21/03)
    I know that the deadline for messages regarding the
current conflict has past, however, I am forwarding
this message to you for consideration for publication
in the 'Sandstorm.' This is the message that Major
General J. M. Mattis, 1st Marine Division, Commanding,
gave to his Marines just before he sent them into 
harm's way in Iraq. Please read the message in its 
entirety before making a decision. By the way Major 
General J. M. Mattis is the same Jim Mattis that 
graduated from Col. Hi in '68.

Guy Lobdell, Sgt. USMC (Ret.)

-----Original Message-----
Fri 9:19
Subject: 1st Marines CO's message (Sgt Grit Newsletter 3/21/03)

MARCH 2003 
1st Marine Division (REIN) 
Commanding General's Message to All Hands 

For decades, Saddam Hussein has tortured, imprisoned,
raped and murdered the Iraqi people; invaded
neighboring coutnries without provocation; and
threatened the world with weapons of mass destruction.
The time has come to end his reign of terror.  On your
young shoulders rest the hopes of mankind.

When I give you the word, together we will cross the
Line of Departure, close with those forces that choose
to fight, and destroy them. Our fight is not with the
Iraqi people, nor is it with members of the Iraqi army
who choose to surrender. While we will move swiftly and
aggressively against those who resist, we will treat
all others with decency, demonstrating chivalry and
soldierly compassion for people who have endured a
lifetime under Saddam's oppression. 

Chemical attack, treachery, and use of the innocent as
human shields can be expected, as can other unethical
tactics. Take it all in stride. Be the hunter, not the
hunted: never allow your unit to be caught with its
guard down. Use good judgement and act in best
interests of our Nation. 

You are part of the world's most feared and trusted
force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.
Share your courage with each other as we enter the
uncertain terrain north of the Line of Departure. Keep
faith in your comrades on your left and right and
Marine Air overhead. Fight with a happy heart and
strong spirit. 

For the mission's sake, our country's sake, and the
sake of the men who carried the Division's colors in
past battles - who fought for life and never lost their
nerve - carry out your mission and keep your honor
clean. Demonstrate to the world there is "No Better
Friend, No Worse Enemy" than a U.S. Marine.

J. N. Mattis 
Major General, U.S. Marines 
Pass this newsletter on to anyone you feel would like it. 
To submit your thoughts use 

To subscribe to the list: 
Subject: (leave blank) 
Subscribe sgt_grit_news yournamehere 
-----End Original Message-----

-Guy Lobdell ('66)
DATE: 3/23/03
>>From: Karen Cole Correll ('55) ~

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lentz []
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: (no subject)


I assume you have all seen the reports about how Sears
is treating its reservist employees who are called up?
By law, they are required to hold their jobs open and
available, but nothing more.  Usually, people take a
big pay cut and lose benefits as a result of being
called up... 

Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries
and maintaining all benefits, including medical
insurance and bonus programs, for all called up
reservist employees for up to two years.  I submit that
Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen and should be
recognized for its contribution. 

I suggest we all shop at Sears, and be sure to find a
manager to tell them why we are there so the company
gets the positive reinforcement it well deserves. 

Pass it on.
-----End of Original Message-----

-Karen Cole Correll (55)
DATE: 3/23/03
>>From: Barbara Gore Williams ('52) ~

Dear Bombers
 Just a note to let you know my grandaughter Lindsey
Hawksley Gondalez is in Kuwait and her husband Patrick
Gondalez is in Bahrain and ther baby, Sky, is living in
Kennewick with her grandparents Sallie & Reece
Hawksley. Lindsey & Patrick are both Marines and
believe in the corp. Please say a prayer for them.

-Barbara Gore Williams ('52)
DATE: 3/23/03
>>From: Rick Maddy ('67) ~

Hi Maren,

What war?

-Rick Maddy ('67)
DATE: 3/22/03
>>From: Fran Teeple Wolf ('68) ~

Re: '68
To: MG Jim Mattis ('68)
    My son served in the Persian Gulf war, and I am
proud and pleased that Jim Mattis is in Iraq to lead
our Marine children and grandchildren in this war. In
America, whether we approve of this war or not, we laud
our military people who do their jobs. Small business
people, lawyers, police people, mayors and
manufacturers, etc. We all do the best we can, and a
big HOOOOOORAH to the Alum and future Alum of RHS.
    Be careful - and come home to your families.

-Fran Teeple Wolf ('68)
DATE: 3/22/03
>>From: Ron Richards ('63) ~

Re: Hypocrisy
To: Linda Reining ('64)
    The antiwar protesters are "jerks?" And you're
hoping the war is over before your nephew gets called
up! Hypocrisy at its worst.

-Ron Richards ('63)
DATE: 3/22/03
>>From: Diane Carpenter Kipp ('72) ~

Maren, If you don't want to print this, in the interest
of getting back to the intent of the Sandstorm, that's
fine. If you will allow it, I just want to say that I
appreciate the notes from Art Nelson, John Browne Jr.,
and Peggy Hartnett. Most of us are uncomfortable with
enthusiastic political (and other) expression that does
not fit our own POV. However, the freedom to express
those opinions is the essential foundation of
everything we value about our country. I never hope
that the "other guy" will be silenced, as if he is, I
know full well that I will be next. Practicing our
ability to disagree can seem very uncomfortable and
unpleasant. But without it - guess which country we
would soon resemble? (For the answer, turn on the TV.)
-Diane Carpenter Kipp ('72)
DATE: 3/22/03
>>From: Mike Lahrman ('63) ~

Re: Gulf II

    Do we only bend once in awhile to those who agree 
with us? How about a rebuttal?
Best Mike
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mike Lahrman ('63) 
To: Art Nelson ('64)
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: Gulf II

Well Art I am glad you said we can disagree. I'm a
Vietnam vet too, but wondering if we were in the same

Yes people weren't to kind when we returned,or didn't
as a lot of my friends unfortunately didn't.

Maybe you should try to listen to some of the Iraqi

What do they say?

Saddam is more than a tyrant, he is a junior Hitler how
as killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of his own
countrymen for disagreeing with him. This my friend is
well documented.

Good thing you live in this country. Had you written or
said what you said in your e-mail in Iraq, we wouldn't
be hearing form you again. Sorry for your bad
experiences brother, but you're not the only one who
had them The truth is still the truth, whether like it
or not. You need to wakeup and smell the roses. 

-Mike Lahrman ('63) Vet
DATE: 3/22/03
>>From: Darren McIntyre ('82) ~

Re: War
To: My Fellow Bombers,
   To all those out there, I thank you for your support
and prayers to all the men and women that wear the
uniform and defend our great nation. As a member of the
United States Air Force for the last 16 1/2 years I
have spent a lot of time in the Gulf Region. During the
last 12 years I have been deployed to the Persian Gulf
thirteen different times. Richland will always be the
place I call home, but it seems that Saudi Arabia is
where I spend my summer vacation. I commend President
Bush for taking this stand, and committing the U.S.
Military to finally and hopefully end what has become a
cat and mouse game with Iraq. I am very fortunate for
being given the opportunity to be at home in the United
States with my family. Unfortunately my time is
limited, and I know that my turn is coming to head out
again. Maren I am including an attachment of a letter I
received in an email that talks about a person whose
mother was headed to a protest against the war and had
asked how he had felt if she would take part in the
protest. Please include it in this Sandstorm entry.
The letter
-Darren McIntyre ('82) ~ Travis AFB, CA ~ "but not for long"
This is the end. New entries will be added to the top.