Additional Text for the 08/11/04 Alumni Sandstorm 
>>From: Jan Bollinger Persons ('60)

To: George "Pappy" Swan ('59)
Re: Toad Patrol

The toad patrol is certainly a happy addition to your
puddle, Pappy! (I told Ann Clancy Andrews ('50) that after
you saw her pipe/cup holders you'd probably be inspired to
enhance your own puddle.) But about the toad patrol . . .
isn't The Puddle in the middle of your driveway? I can't
bear to think of those little guys out in traffic like that!
Seems like you're gonna need a signal light at The Puddle
intersection. If I were you, I'd get it installed before
PETA gets wind of this reckless endangerment of defenseless

Betty Avant's ('69) skeeter alert is well taken because the
West Nile carriers are supposed to arrive in Spokane this
season, and Burbank can't be far behind on the their 
march west. Good luck, Pappy, in your attempt to convince
lightning bugs that mosquitoes are worthy mates! I don't see
it happenin' myself, but with a shortage of their own kind
to nuzzle, I suppose they could get just desperate enough.
Sure wish those Kansas lightning bugs were native to eastern
Washington; as bugs go, they're the most entertaining, in my
book. For a fun look at these critters with the fluorescent
fannies, try this:

To: John Richardson ('58)
Re: Stump Puddle
    Thanks for your help, John, but I don't need any old 
ramshackle bird bath! Anyway, by the time Gary followed 
all those instructions of yours, he could've dug out three 
stumps! See there? You're still whisperin' BALONEY in his 
ear (that's nonsense as opposed to sausage bologna)!
-Jan Bollinger Persons ('60) ~ Spokane - heading towards 90 
           again this week. 