Additional Text for the 10/25/04 Alumni Sandstorm 
>>From: Dean Enderle ('57)

Re: two cents worth
    Been reading all the comments on guns & ammo, outlaws,
gun control, etc., etc., etc.
    That old axiom of "when guns are outlawed only outlaws
will have guns" has an element of truth behind it.
However, it is hard to believe that sensible people would
advocate the ownership of assault weapons such as Uzis,
Ak-47s, Sa-80s or any of the variations of machine pistols 
with banana clips. As a long time hunter of pheasants,
ducks,geese, deer and elk I never found the need to own
one or more of the above mentioned firearms in order to
improve my hunting skills. While I do not advocate the
outlawing of guns I do strongly believe there should be a
more tightly controlled method of obtaining them and that
certain types of these weapons should not even be
available on the open market.
    As to the constitutional right to bear arms, well that
was written at a time when we were still fighting Indians
on the frontier and most people had to hunt to eat.
Additionally, many of the areas out on the frontier were
lawless so people had to protect themselves, this is no
longer the case so maybe a little updating of this
venerable old document might be a consideration.

-Dean Enderle ('57)