******************************************** Additional Text for the 10/26/04 Alumni Sandstorm ******************************************** >>From: Lora Homme Page ('60) To: Dean Enderle ('57) What you say certainly has merit, Dean, but I think that the reason that the authors of the Constitution felt that it was necessary to include the right to keep and bear arms in that document was not because of the dangers of the frontier although that was also a primary consideration in owning a gun. Their experience that led them to include that right in the law of the land took place in the dictatorial countries that they were escaping by immigrating here. All we have to do is look at history, ancient and modern, and look around the world today to see that democracy, where it manages to get a foothold, does not always remain the objective of those in power. You're right when you say that we no longer live in a lawless frontier. However, a highly esteemed Tri-Cities public school coach who was married and had two children was stabbed to death (not shot) in Benton City a short while ago by two kids as an initiation rite required to join a gang. There are drive-by shootings and break ins and beating assaults occurring here on a weekly basis and not just in the poorer parts of the community. But you're right, it's not a frontier. To: Jim Russell ('58) I fervently hope that you're right, Jim, that it's "impossible" to repeal the 2nd amendment. I also pray that it's impossible to "amend" it. Sorry, but if that makes me a "fear monger," I guess I'm guilty. To: George "Pappy" Swan Is being heavier than a shotgun like being bigger than a breadbox? Pappy, you're right, you wouldn't be able to "support" me in your reduced state since I'm a lot bigger and heavier than either one. Of the two, I more closely resemble a breadbox but I'm not as big as a '57 Chevy yet. Do you remember the blue that some of them were painted? I love that color. Back to fear mongering for a moment. If the real object, here, is to save lives, I agree that we should outlaw all cars no matter their age or color since they kill far more people every year than guns do. Lora Homme Page ('60) - Hi ho the dairy'o ********************************************