******************************************** Additional Text for the 10/28/04 Alumni Sandstorm ******************************************** >>From: John Browne Jr. ('61) Re: Gun, etc. Control To Pappy: I wonder if that rifle my grand-dad called his ".30 Army" was an M-1... he was real proud to have it, but he never took it hunting. He was my firearms instructor; and he presented me with my first shotgun, at 14. The only gun I own is his old single-shot Remington .22... It seems like, when there was a culture that wasn't saturated by heroic media images of violence, and also included more mentorship opportunities, things were easier to sort out. Lots of young people have way more "autonomy" (or are they simply neglected?) these days, with a single parent (or both parental units) in the work force, peripatetic snowbird grandparents, weaker cultural ties, a face full of advertising & diversions from the time they can focus their eyes, etc. They also come into a dichotomized culture that doesn't have that old WWII model of solidarity ("Victory gardens", self-sufficiency, sacrifice, etc) which was our milieu; but, rather they have an aftermath of unresolved issues around things as diverse as immigration, civil rights, foreign wars (their justification or castigation), and a shrinking resource base, simmered in a sea of "information". While I agree with your position that, in order to maintain and protect a Right we had better be vigilant, I feel compelled to add that there are responsibilities to consider beyond simply "live and let live", with regard to the rest of the citizenry (including the 'wannabes'). There are issues of History and Justice involved; and some of those issues might be better resolved if the parties involved were not armed- both for mutual assurances and for the examples that are offered. For example, I don't see Any reason for routine police presence in the schools; but if they're there, they shouldn't be visibly armed. It sends the wrong message, ie "Might makes Right". Hey, I could go on, but it's a half-hour before sunrise, so I'm not gonna burden either of us no mo' today... nor our esteemed editor (who is, hopefully, still pulling down some ZZZZzzzzs). ^..^ -John Browne Jr. ('61) ~ Vachon Island, WA ********************************************