Alumni Sandstorm ~ 09/23/18
3 Bombers and 1 Lion/HB sent stuff:
Jim McKEOWN ('53), Mike CLOWES ('54)
Gary Brehm ('64 Lion/HB), David RIVERS ('65)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Jim McKEOWN ('53)

Re: Photos

Don Sorenson's (NAB) photos of the scouts has to be very 
early '50s... I recognized a couple of classmates in some 
of the photos,

-Jim McKEOWN ('53) ~ from continued sunny and moderate temp 
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54)

On this last day of summer, 2018, it rained a bit here and
there and not necessarily in the same spot. Not to fear,
friends, the readers of the weather entrails say that by the
end of the week; it should be dry with temps in the mid

I note on the Bomber calendar that there is a birthday of one
of the younger Bombers. I've never met the young man, but 
we have conversed electronically. Found out that he is a
graduate of EWCE and could be listed as a "Savage" had not
the forces of political correctness decreed they should be
know as the "Fighting Eagles". The jury is still out on which
is more offended.

A tip of the ol' propeller beanie and a "Happy Birthday!" to
Jimbeaux ('63). I trust that he will, in celebration that
"The Forever Young and Beautiful Miss Nancy ('65) will not be
offended by his choice of eating establishment. This would
preclude any "fast food" hashery.

-Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54) ~ Mount Angel, OR 
	wondering if I should be scared of those young persons 
	Mr. Sorensen (NAB) furnished us. 
>>From: Gary Brehm ('64 Lion/Honorary Bomber)

Re: Marsha GOSLIN Brehm ('65) Update

Day number six for Marsha at Hospice House and she is not
doing as well has she has been the previous five days she's
been here. The weekend doctor was just in on his rounds and
noted a couple things that I had mentioned to the regular
Hospice doc. Marsha is anti-medication, especially with
anything that contains Opioids and even though she may need
them, she is still quite reluctant when it comes letting the
nurses give them to her. They said this morning she had a
dose of morphine during the night and she did take some after
our daughter and I got here this morning. Since then, she's
been sleeping most of the time. Doctor did notice she has
Thrush which they noted yesterday. I got the impression they
were going to medicate for that, but haven't so far. She had
it about a month ago and her Oncologist gave her a
prescription for it and it cleared up.

It's quite an experience going through this type of journey
with a loved one, not only theirs, but also the long days you
spend at the Hospice House with your wife, husband, mother,
father or whomever it may be that is here. The days are long
and I for one have eaten more cookies and snacks this week
than I normally do in a year.

A nurse just came in and applied a Fentanyl patch on Marsha's
arm. That way she will be more comfortable and they won't
need to give her short acting pain meds. She has been
sleeping since shortly after she had the dose of morphine
this morning, about four hours ago. She slept a lot when she
was still at home, too, but the Oncologist told me that was
most likely the oral chemo she was on then. Since coming to
Hospice House they have taken her off all her daily
medications like blood pressure, Nexium, etc. She gets only
comfort meds.

Once again, I want thank all who have sent emails and texts,
plus Facebook messages to Marsha and myself. The response has
been overwhelming to say the least! Up until today I have
read all of them to her, but she's been sleeping so much
today I haven't had the chance to do it. Just know it means a
lot to her and several of them have brought tears to my eyes!
Especially those that include me in the message. Who would
ever think, a Kennewick guy and a sweet Richland girl 
could be so happy and compatible. She has said many times,
especially when we had our 25th anniversary, June 8th, that
she wished we could have another 25. My response to her: "you
hung out at the wrong Zip's!!!"

From a KHS Lion to all Bombers: Please help keep this
wonderful forum you have going. Send your dues to Maren for
all the hard work she puts in to get this sent to all of you
365 days a year. I hate it when I look at my phone or laptop
over my coffee in the morning and the Alumni Sandstorm says
NOT on it!!!

Marsha GOSLIN Brehm's ('65) Husband,
-Gary Brehm ('64 Lion/Honorary Bomber)
>>From: David RIVERS ('65)

Re: That was the week that was

I have no clue why I remember that show so well... but on
this date, I always think this is the day that is... Two very
close friends used to celebrate together when they could...
didn't really happen often but it lingers as a great memory
in my mind... Now the one guy was my age (just thought of
something said at the '63 reunion about age... maybe I'll
remember it later)... he may have been nearly a year younger
as many of us had to wait till we got our draft cards to
start kinneygarden... not sure... he was a kid who never 
grew up in many ways... Terry DAVIS Knox ('65) and I always
thought of him as the guy who never stopped seeing all the
colors of the big box of crayons, while many of our colors
began to fade to gray... On the other hand he saw Terry 
and me as having never progressed mentally or in any other 
way beyond 7th grade... we were more... uhhhhhhhh... ok
immature... like the time I had been stalking the last full
sized Railroad sign in all of L.A. Now Terry and I tried 
many times to nab it, but it never quite worked out... 
over several weeks just before success... I had sprayed
penetrating oil on the huge bolts at the bottom... but we
decided we needed an extra hand to make sure we didn't damage
the sign as it dropped... We called this guy in Seattle and
said we'd take him to a nice dinner and then to Venice Beach
if he flew down... after wining and dining, we grabbed a rope
and headed for the scene... sure he was confused but it was
Davis and me... normal stuff... when he saw why he was in
L.A. he yelled something about we would never grow up and
were still doing the same stuff we did in Jr Hi... well
geeez... of course we were... I finally got the sign but
that's another story... Now the big kid... was one I always
admired as a lowly Soph... that admiration hasn't dampened...
what a guy... at the '63 reunions, he does the wrap up... he
is very strict on the length and the content... short and
memory jogging... great memory jogging... the kind where we
can all laugh at ourselves for shared silliness... So how
many girls did go out with Pasco guys anyway? The third
fellow is one I haven't seen since school I'm sorry to say.
('65-RIP) and George ZIELINSKI ('65) on your special day,
September 23, 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-David RIVERS ('65)
That's it for today. Please send more.