A. S. S. ~ Alumni Sandstorm ~ 08/01/24
	Alumni Sandstorm 26-year anniversary
7 Bombers sent stuff: 
Rex HUNT ('53)
Mike CLOWES ('54)
Ken HEMINGER ('56)
Dolores MOODY ('60)
Pete BEAULIEU ('62)
Betti AVANT ('69)
Anita FRAVALA ('73)
Maren Smyth
144 Briant Street
Gretna, LA  70056
	My personal email address:vegas68@gmail.com 

MY EYES UPDATE: Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) is a clouding of the
lens from cataract surgery and requires a simple laser procedure in both eyes
to clear up my vision. I have an appointment with the cataract surgeon on
August 28 for the "simple laser procedure".

A few words about Joe CAMPBELL ('67): Joe has been a tremendous help during
these "difficult seeing" days. Some of you may have noticed that the
AlumniSandstorm.com site was down for several days. I hadn't paid the bill,
and Joe helped by READING what was on the website so that I could get it
paid. As soon as it was paid, the site was back online. THANKS, Joe. 

Joe has also worked with me to help put this Sandstorm together so we could
get it published.

The other help has been Shirley COLLINGS Haskins ('66) who has worked
tirelessly on the so many dead Bombers recently. Will that ever slow down??

I'm hoping with the help from Joe and Shirley that the frequency on
Sandstorm publications will increase. *Cross your fingers, Bombers*.


Rex called me about a week and a half ago from ICU in Hanford CA. He said
they weren't optimistic, but he called on 7/30 and said he was still hanging
in there.  -Maren 
>>From: Rex HUNT ('53)

Something I have dreaded for several years now! The demise of the Sandstorm!
It is a death we, ourselves have brought about! Not with a gun nor poison,
just by a lack of concern! Was it laziness on our part? Too lazy to write a
small paragraph, too non-caring to summit a few words every month or so? The
Sandstorm took off like a rocket to Mars, now we see it falling back to
earth as a defunct vehicle! While I may not have much of an audience for my
nonsense! I did try to fill a portion of the Sandstorm if only to give it
support! I was a little late coming to the Sandstorm till 2004 and the
annual reunion. It was only by accident that I attended. I had been in Idaho
near Jackson Hole camping on an extended fishing trip. My wife was at the
time suffering some terrible cancer treatments and she wanted one last
fishing trip. She grew too weak to sustain a camping environment so we
packed up and headed west. As we approached the Washington-Idaho border I
recalled that annual union was that very weekend so we diverted to Richland
to attend. I recall being chastised by Maren for not making a reservation.
But we were allowed to attend. That rejuvenated my interest in all things
Columbia High School. At that time the Sandstorm was practically overwhelmed
with entries. A few years passed and the entries stopped coming in. Was it
caused by a lack of interest or just too damn lazy to summit a few words to
its publication?

Unfortunately China virus struck and Maren got sick and had a bit of
difficulty putting the paper together. As the china virus scare died down
she was limited in Eyesight and physical stamina. All things adding to its
eventual termination. There seems to be no one willing to pick up the banner
and carry-on! I would love to do it, but I lack the knowledge and ability as
well as the health to do so. I can barely make my silly entries.

AS things stand, this may be my last entry.


Is it time to say goodbye,
To let life waste away and die?
To just leave it all behind,
To let it wither on the vine?  
Is there something we can do or say?
to give it life for another day?
Do we all wish its death?
Not allow it another breath?

Was your love just a sham?
You really don't give a damn?
What will become of our new norm?
Without our beloved Sandstorm!

-Rex HUNT ('53wb) ~ from lovely downtown Hanford, CA. where all the stupid 
	rhetoric of pre-election is causing the summer temperatures to soar, 
	and makes me sore! 
	If my jokes or poems are not up to your expectations, please lower 
	your standards!
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54)

For 7/26:

A double header for today. A "Happy Birthday!" to DiAnn SCHUSTER and
"Ginny" WEYERTS (both '54). Hope your day goes well. 

Sad to learn of the passing of Shirley STREGE Bigelow ('54-rip).

For 7/23: 

A moment to wish fellow classmate Bill MURRAY ('54) a "Happy Birthday!"  Not
to confuse the issue, but he is the real Bill Murray and not some Hollywood

For 7/8:

A "Happy Birthday!" salutation for fellow classmate Betty RUSSELL ('54) and
best wishes for the day.

For 6/25:  

A "Happy Anniversary!" goes to "Long John" and BaretAnn (both '53) on this
most auspicious day.

-Bob Carlson, aka Mike CLOWES ('54) ~ Silverton, OR
>>From: Ken HEMINGER ('56)


It's been so long since I've heard from the Sandstorm, I figured it was
disbanded. From what you say it sounds like that's where it's headed...?
You sound all worn out and tired, not to mention the eye problems. Maybe
it's time to throw in the towel...? You are to be commended for the work you
put into the Sandstorm over the years. We only had 2-3 post this time, all
the rest were obituaries. Other than a message from Grover ('56) I never
hear much from friends from the '50s. I guess I can understand the reasons
for that (grin) Keep us that remain filled in on any outcomes.

Bomber Cheers
-Ken HEMINGER ('56)
From: Dolores MOODY Stewart ('60)

I was so happy to see you're still keeping us informed!

That weird flu took some of or (according to my offspring) most of my short
term memory!

-Dolores MOODY Stewart ('60)
>>From: Pete BEAULIEU ('62)

originally sent on March 18!

Re: Ed WOOD ('62), the Obits, and defunct academia

To Ed Wood ('62)

Very sorry to hear about Janice's tumble down the stairs, but glad to hear
that you were soon on your way back to your Tucson "winter hideout"
together. Like migrating birds. I often remind my friends hereabouts that
the game now is not diet or vitamins, but to avoid falls. And I applaud your
legal writing, remembering your first book about your victim-son Brian, and
meeting with you and Janice in Seattle. And, noticing the roadside marker on
State Route 525 on Whidbey Island. Bombers might be interested in this link
	Ed WOOD's ('62) son (RIP)

Re: The Obits

About the obits, never to be forgotten is Bob FRICK's (1960) patented hook
shot, which lofted him from Col-Hi to Central in Ellensburg. And, I recall
the popularity of Maurice WALLACE ('62) when he arrived in 1955 in Lewis &
Clark Elementary School. The teachers, of course, prepared all of us for the
arrival of this Black family (earlier, Blacks had been confined from the
modern Atomic City to Pasco). After the well-crafted and unnecessary
tutorial, an uncomplicated hand went up with an elementary question: "Can he
play baseball?" (Years earlier, Jackie Robinson had broken into Major League
Baseball in 1947.)

Re: Defunct academia and the race to the bottom

About the race thing, here's a story about the downside of random
misunderstandings.... At the University of Washington a graduate course in
Sociology caught my attention (1973). I had just completed a similar course
in African anthropology (tribalism and urbanization in Nigeria) with ten
other students (all of my classes at the huge and anonymous UW happened to
be small), where I was the only one from the United States. Refreshing. One
of the other few whites was from Argentina. We met in the prof's home near
the Lake Washington ship canal where the rowing teams practice and, seated
in a circle on the African carpet, we ate ethnic food.

Now, the new class was taught by one Pierre van den Berghe, and on the first
day he made the half-complete remark that Blacks performed less well on IQ
tests than whites. What he meant was that the IQ tests were culturally
slanted; nothing about gray matter, but such matter-of-fact clarifications
came too late. No Blacks remained enrolled in the class after the first day.
Who could blame them? 

And, yet, van den Berghe was the White researcher who even in the 1960s had
published insider accounts about Apartheid when the institution was still a
hot button in South Africa (until 1994). Within the compounds, he had
conducted on-the-ground interviews through an interpreter, risking suspicion
on the one side and, on the other, at least arrest from the South African
secret police by entering the "Native grounds" without even seeking a
permit. When stopped, as a naturalized American citizen (Swiss), he
pretended he was just a dumb American who had simply gotten lost.

Not to minimize, here, the complexities of history, but just noticing even
in a later classroom the volatile difference a few words can make.

Either misspoken or left out. Microaggression? Later class discussions were
surely impoverished from what they might have been. But nothing yet
approached the vaccine-like alternative of "safe spaces" dispensed by
administrative and witless academia?. As reported in the New York Times,
Brown University probably won the race to the bottom with a special room
offering "cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh (not Plato), calming
music, pillows, blankets, and a video of frolicking puppies" (2016).

-Pete BEAULIEU ('62) - Shoreline, WA, missing Richland's youthful and 
	elementary simplicity: "but can he play baseball"?
>>From: Betti AVANT ('69)

Re: All Bomber lunch

Until further notice I've decided to cancel the All Bomber lunches. There
was a lot of interest in restarting them so the first one was set up for
January, 2023. There were 3 of us there and I thought hey it's a start. The
last 3 months I've been the only 1 in attendance. I found out the nice lady
waiting on me is the co-owner of the diner and actually spoke to her husband
today as well. If you are interested please let me know at least a few days
prior to the next one (if we have one) so I can make arrangements for the
table(s) we will need. It is set for the 2nd Saturday of the month at noon
at Lil' Moon Diner (formerly JD Diner) on VanGiesen in West Richland. It's
hard talking about Bomber memories and days gone by with oneself.

-Betti AVANT ('69) ~ Richland
>>From: Anita FRAVALA Griffin ('73)

Our 50-year reunion will be here in a couple of months! We have four days of
activities planned. The list of activities and registration is at the link
below. Can't wait to see our fellow '73 grads!

ist of activities and registration

Maren, can you add our reunion dates to the Sandstorm? Thanks!

-Anita FRAVALA Griffin ('73)
	END OF SANDSTORM ENTRIES. Please send more.
61 BOMBER MEMORIAL JPEGs by Shirley COLLINGS Haskins ('66)
If anyone wants to see the Bomber Memorial jpeg for any of these
deceased Bombers, contact Shirley at haskins_4@charter.net

Kathie Elaine MOORE Adair ('69)
August 22, 1951 - MARCH 11, 2024
	1969 Bomber Memorial JPEG
Judy Ann BOGGS Carlson ('64)
August 17, 1946 - July 7, 2024
Donna Roseallen "Lyndy" WHEELER Myers ('62)
November 21, 1943 - June 26, 2024
	1962 Bomber Memorial JPEG
Susan Marie WALKER ('64)
June 29, 1946 - June 21, 2024
Shirley Ann STREGE Bigelow ('54)
July 14, 1936 - June 20, 2024
	Einan's web page
William Walter "Bill" LATTIN ('58)
August 31, 1940 - June 15, 2024
	Funeral Home web page
Jessie Elizabeth Zelda WILLOUGHBY-Davis ('60)
October 7, 1941 - April 13, 2024
	Einan's web page
Michael J. "Mike" NEILL ('75)
October 3, 1955 - March 21, 2023
James Ray "Jim" MILLER Jr ('52)
March 26, 1933 - June 11, 2024
	Einan's web page
Kent Michael KAFENTZIS ('81)
December 31, 1962 - May 29, 2024
	Funeral Home web page
Benjamin George "Ben" HULSTINE ('84 Honorary)
March 28, 1966 - April 15, 2021
	1984 Bomber Memorial page
Harold "Lynn" MILICIA ('84)
July 9, 1966 - September 21, 1996
	1984 Bomber Memorial page
Dennis Ray RHOTEN ('75)
September 27,1956 - June 26, 2024
	Einan's web page
Rita Ann BURTON Werderman ('76)
September 13, 1957 - February 23, 2024
	Einan's web page
Patrick Leslie "Pat" LAWSON ('80)
March 1, 1961 - April 27, 2024
	Life Tributes web page
Russell Charles "Russ"/"Rtwo" HOGLEN ('97 Honorary)
October 18, 1978 - June 21, 2024
James Ward CUPPLES ('85 Honorary)
November 28, 1966 - November 22, 1983
George Gregory "Greg" MOREY ('68)
July 16, 1950 - June 5, 2024
	'68 Class web page
Betty Ann BERGER Kleinhesselink ('51)
February 10, 1933 - April 13, 2000
Douglas Noel "Doug" BERGER ('55)
December 24, 1937 - March 11, 2024
	Einan's web page
Dr. Harold Henry CLEAVER, DDS ('61)
April 1, 1943 - May 21, 2024
	Dallas News obit page
Patricia Ann "Patty"/"Pat"/"Sky" LONERGAN Upson Velasquez ('65)
February 3, 1947 - March 18, 2024
	1965 Bomber Memorial page
Doris "Dori" BATES Clark-Stevens ('66)
November 3, 1947 - February 23, 2024
	1966 Bomber Memorial page
Roger Dennis BATES Sr ('66 Honorary)
April 28, 1948 - April 8, 2024
	1966 Bomber Memorial Page
Geraldine Mae "Geri" SHIELDS Prentice ('67)
February 25, 1949 - December 15, 2021
	1967 Bomber Memorial page
David Michael "Dave" DUFAULT ('69 Honorary)
October 3, 1951 - July 2, 1982
	1969 Bomber Memorial page
Charlene Rae CLARK Kohl ('69)
March 11, 1951 - June 1, 2021
	1969 Bomber Memorial page
Frances Elizabeth STUMP Powers ('69)
May 24, 1951 - September 5, 2009
    1969 Bomber Memorial page
Vickie Lynnette "Vicki" WORKMAN Hornbeck ('69)
December 25, 1950 - July 16, 2013
    1969 Bomber Memorial Page
John Thomas WOLF ('69)
November 11, 1950 - November 22, 2022
    1969 Bomber Memorial Page
Kim Marie ELLIOTT Hampton ('74)
March 5, 1956 - September 4, 2017
    Einan's web page
Wayne Holmes CAPLINGER Jr ('74RHS/HHS)
October 1, 1956 - August 7, 2013
    Einan's web page
Victoria Gail "Vickey" PLATT Halstead ('74RHS/HHS)
January 21, 1956 - May 3, 2024
    Einan's web page
Jonathan Paul "Jon" KOTTWITZ ('74 RHS/HHS)
February 13, 1956 - November 29, 2019
John Christopher "Johnny" RECKER ('74)
December 29, 1954 - April 12, 2024
    Einan's web page
Henry "David"/"Dave" GALBRAITH ('74 RHS/HHS)
May 23, 1956 - August 30, 2020
Brian Thomas UPTON ('76)
August 10, 1958 - April 15, 2024
	Legacy web page
Elizabeth Ann "Beth" SCHEER Lewis ('82)
October 12, 1963 - March 17, 2024
	Funeral Home web page
Heidi Kay RAWLINS Larsen ('83)
June 8, 1965 - May 17, 2024
     Einan's web page
Joel Leslie PAGE ('83)
June 18, 1965 - March 14, 2024
Andrew Edmund "Drew" GREGO, III ('88 Honorary)
August 6, 1970 - March 18, 2024
	Einan's web page
Nathan Scott "Nate" LEE ('90)
February 8, 1972 - October 28, 2023
	Einan's web page
Scott Lawrence SANBORN ('00 Honorary)
September 9, 1982 - April 4, 2024
Dylan Kerby GOOLSBY ('18 Honorary)
May 20, 1999 - May 3, 2024
	Einan's web page
Bethany Rose "Beth" GUZEK Whittlesey ('84)
May 25, 1966 - August 3, 2014
	1984 Bomber Memorial Page
Jeffrey "Rod" HOPPERSTAD ('84)
November 20, 1965 - June 4, 2012
    1984 Bomber Memorial Page
Benjamin George "Ben" HULSTINE ('84 Honorary)
March 28, 1966 - April 15, 2021
    1984 Bomber Memorial Page
Kyla SASSER Cottle ('84)
January 10, 1966 - January 3, 2021
	1984 Bomber Memorial Page
Gawain Dean CHARLES ('71)
March 16, 1953 - July 8, 2024
    1971 Bomber Memorial Page
Lela Mae "Lee" ELLIOTT Findley ('69)
June 20, 1950 - July 6, 2024
	'69 Bomber Memorial Page.
Harold "Craig" BUCHANAN ('57)
October 25, 1938 - July 4, 2024
Suzanne "Suzy" MORGAN Henry ('63)
October 19, 1945 - January 10, 2024
	Legacy Web page
Gary Duane ANDERSON ('61)
July 19, 1943 - July 8, 2024
Glenn Arthur AUSMUS ('84)
September 18, 1965 - May 13, 2023
	1984 Bomber Memorial Page
Garry James "Jim" SCOGGIN ('54)
February 10, 1936 - June 9, 2024
	Legacy memorial page
Carol Ann SALINA Ng ('74)
November 22, 1955 - June 26, 2024
	Einan's web page
Vicki Lynn CHAFIN Johnson ('73 Honorary)
November 29, 1954 - July 8, 2024
October 26, 1962 - June 24, 2024
	Funeral home web page
Anna Dee "Andy" WARD Stewart ('68)
September 1, 1951 - July 3, 2024
	1968 memorial jpeg
William Leon "Bill" CRADDOCK ('61)
January 28, 1943 - October 4, 2017
	Einan's web page
William Stanton "Bill"/"Billy" ROE IV ('87)
April 18, 1969 - July 1, 2024
	Legacy web page
In case you missed it from the 3/6/24 Alumni Sandstorm:
Judy Ann CAMPBELL ('64)
December 23, 1945 - December 18, 2023
Becky Jo COLEMAN ('64)
October 17, 1946 - November 23, 2023
Vernon "Keith" PETERSON ('65)
March 12, 1946 - January 11, 2024
Maurice "Mo" WALLACE ('62)
December 22, 1943 - December 27, 2023
Bob Vernell FRICK ('60)
June 7, 1942 - February 23, 2024
Philip Michael "Phil" RAEKES ('49)
November 11, 1931 - January 27, 2024
Danny Wayne WORLEY ('69)
January 23, 1950 - January 3, 2015
Edith May WEIDLE Hansen ('42)
August 5, 1924 - January 24, 2024
Judith Loralee "Judi" JASCHEK Smith ('60)
November 16, 1942 - January 3, 2024
Bobbie "Jeanette" DUNCAN Mefford ('54)
June 28, 1936 - January 5, 2024
Gery John SCHIRADO ('62)
September 28, 1944 - January 8, 2024
In case you missed it from the 6/1/24 Sandstorm
Paula Beth BEARDSLEY Glenn ('62)
July 27, 1944 - April 23, 2024
Dennis Robert JONES ('64)
February 5, 1946 - April 16, 2024
Beverly Joann COATES Karns ('52)
November 11, 1934 - May 18, 2024
Dr. Michael James "Mike" CARRAHER, MD ('64)
October 1, 1946 - April 18, 2024
Everette Lewis "Lew" COSENS ('64)
June 4, 1946 - March 26, 2024
Connie "Joy" PHILLIPS (Lyon) Newcomer
September 5, 1946 - March 29, 2024
Legacy web page
Dr. John Stuart HALL, PhD ('60)
May 15, 1942 - March 28, 2024
Barbara Joan "Barb VACHÉ (68)
December 4, 1949 - January 3, 2024 
Jackie Dawn DeVRIES Bartol Brown ('62)
June 21, 1944 - March 5, 2024
Alice Lillian PERKINS Deranleau ('42)
October, 1925 - March 31, 2024
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
	Click the event you want to know more about.

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