SHELLEY McCOY ~ Class of 1963
April 12, 1945 - August 31, 2002

Click to go to Funeral Notice
First reports indicate that on Saturday, the 31st
of August, Shelley was killed in a Harley accident
while traveling with his girl friend on a mountain
road over on the east side. His girl friend is
in critical condition.
from the 9/2/02 Alumni Sandstorm
>>From: Patti Jones Ahrens ('63)
Re: Shelley McCoy ('63 RIP)
The following is the story of Shelley's death and
thoughts from Granada McCoy ('62 - Shelley's sister),
when I spoke with her tonight about Shelley's passing.
The Harley accident happened Saturday, August 31,
2002 at 5:30pm, about three miles from Eatonville, WA.
It is believed Shelley died instantly. His girlfriend,
Kim, was helicoptered to Harborview Hospital and is
now in satisfactory condition. An autopsy will be done
on Shelley to determine exact cause of death.
Granada said, "Shelley did not like traveling far
distances on his Harley on holiday week-ends. More
than likely his friends called and said, 'Let's go for
a short ride, have dinner, then we're heading home'.
That would be most like Shelley". Granada said, "This
is a first in our family of children and grandchildren
to die. It is very hard". Granada spoke of understanding
when her dad died and said "but this is not easy. Shelley
was doing what he loved to do and he was way too young".
Shelley is survived by his two sons, a daughter and
six grandchildren. Shelley was very close to his
friends and family. They we're his pride and joy.
Funeral services are
Friday September 6, 2002 at 10:00am.
Powers Funeral Home, 320 W. Pioneer, Puyallup, WA
Internment will be at a cemetery in Puyallup.
There will be a gathering at Shelley's home after the
funeral. Everyone attending plans on wearing T-shirts
and jeans -- Shelley's favorite attire.
Granada also said it would be fine to email her
and she will share them with the family. Her email
address is
Joe McCoy ('60) Shelley's brother will be arriving
at Granada's on Thursday September, 5, 2002.
I will scan the funeral notice and send it to the
Alumni Sandstorm as soon as it is in the Tacoma News
According to Granada "There is a marker and
flowers being placed at the site by Shelley's Harley
friends today."
Bombers are Forever
-Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) ~ Browns Point, WA - cloudy
and overcast, but the sun was shining on Shelley
when he left for his new venture on Saturday to
look down on all of us.
Funeral Notice scanned from the Tacoma News Tribune
by Patti Jones Ahrens ('60)

Shelley at R2K (All Bomber Reunion 2000)